
Rävnäs lägergård outside Västerås Sverige

How to get there

Easiest way to get to the Rävnäs farm is by car, the coordinates for the GPS is:

System: WGS 84 RT 90
Lat.: 59° 44’ 27. 58”
Long.: 16° 11’ 12. 81”

If you are unable to arrange your own car for transport there are trains (closest station Ramnäs). From Stockholm it will take you approximately  between 1-2 hours depending on what tickets you book. In Ramnäs we will be able to pick you up by car and drive you to the location. If you want to be picked up by the organizers you need to tell us in advance so we can plan a schedule for driving.

If you are arriving by airplane the closest airport is Västerås airport. Take the bus from the airport into Västerås C and then a train to Ramnäs. This should take about 1 hour.